The West and Africa
Event details
- Date: 31 Aug 2022
- Time: 16:00 to 17:30 (GMT+2)
- Venue: Online via Zoom, registration required
- Attend event via webcast
Although most African countries are former European colonies, they are economically increasingly tied to Asia. As trade and infrastructure from China steadily shift Africa’s gaze eastward, the continent’s traditional partnerships are being tested by migration, populism and the fall-out of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
This seminar is the third in a series on how global developments could impact Africa. It will examine relations between North America, Europe and Africa under four scenarios: a Divided World, a World at War, a Growth World and a Sustainable World.
Moderator: Ottilia Maunganidze, Head, Special Projects, ISS Pretoria
Dr Jakkie Cilliers, Head, African Futures and Innovation, ISS Pretoria
Dr Paul-Simon Handy, Regional Director East Africa and Representative to the AU, ISS Addis Ababa
Susan Stigant, Director of Africa Programs, United States Institute of Peace
Jakkie Cilliers, Email: jcilliers@issafrica.org (copy jwessels@issafrica.org)
Image: © Ihor Svetiukha / Alamy Stock Vector
Development partners
This seminar is funded by Humanity United, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the Hanns Seidel Foundation. The ISS is also grateful for support from the members of the ISS Partnership Forum: the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the European Union, the Open Society Foundations and the governments of Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.