4.9 C
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The COVID-19 pandemic has been around for over a year now since the first declaration of a national lockdown by the government. It is prudent to highlight some of the things COVID has brought about but also point out some of difficulties we have been living with since day one of lockdown. Among the key positive things to highlight include the development of COVID vaccines by our greatscientists who have been working tirelessly to come upwith a vaccine. Despite all criticisms and conspiracies, a wayforward to finding solution to the most threating enemyto mankind of our generation has been crafted, openingdoors to science and technology to come up with lasting solutions. IT solutions have never been so important in our livessince the advent of the digital age. Working and studyingfrom home through virtual means have turned out to bethe new norm now thereby challenging everyone to be ITsavvy somehow.